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Our commitment is to inclusive transport, in which all people have the right to benefit and enjoy the advantages offered by collective transport.
We assume as an essential commitment in our company a firm commitment to inclusive transport, supporting all people with any type of need or limitation, so that they can enjoy the provision of a quality service that guarantees the best conditions of safety and comfort, offering thus a solution to any transportation need.
Autocares Cosmacar, puts at your disposal a modern range of Coaches, Minibuses and Taxis Adapted to people with reduced mobility (PRM).
At Autocares Cosmacar we have different types of adapted vehicles (PRM), which incorporate lifting systems and equipment designed to improve vehicle accessibility, special retention systems for wheelchairs and anchoring systems for them.
Inside, a large space for wheelchair seats, special lighting for a better vision and all kinds of accessories aimed at adding to the accessibility and comfort of our customers.